
My name is ABDELMOGHIT, for short “MOGHIT”.
I was born in the old town of this mythical African and Mediterranean city: Tangier

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Morocco safe for female tourists?

Morocco is a safe country for women travelers, however, those traveling alone should exercise caution as they could be vulnerable to unwanted attention or harassment by men. … Many women travelers say wearing sunglasses can also help avoid eye contact.

Does Morocco have a lot of tourists?

Tourism is considered one of the main foreign exchange sources in Morocco and since 2013 it had the highest number of arrivals out of the countries in Africa. In 2018, 12.3 million tourists were reported to have visited Morocco.

Is Morocco expensive for tourists?

Is travelling to Morocco expensive? Morocco is a pretty affordable travel destination. Yes, there are luxury hotels and desert camps if you are looking for a high-end experience, but that’s not the norm. The majority of Morocco’s accommodation, tours, and restaurants are all quite affordable.

Do I need visa to enter Morocco?

The truth is that if you want to be sure that you need a visa to enter Morocco, you need to contact your country’s embassy. Furthermore, if you want to apply for a visa, you need to do that directly through the Moroccan embassy in Rabat.

What currency Morocco uses?

Morocco uses MAD, at the hotels, restaurants… they accept EUR and USD. Thus, you need to change any other currency out of those. However, you can always change at banks’ agencies.

What is the best time to visit Morocco?

During the periods of spring and autumn, the temperature gets around 25 degrees (25°C × 9/5) + 32 = 77°F.

Can I drive in Morocco?

Yes, you definitely can drive in every part of the country. Further, you need to have an international driving license.

Is shopping good in Morocco?

Yes, Morocco is very famous for its huge souks(shops). The only thing it takes is to know how to bargain with the shopkeepers.

More About our Custom Tours in Morocco

You may wish to arrange a custom tour to suit your specific wishes, requirements, time frame, and budget. We will be happy to offer suggested itineraries providing you with a considered and unique tour, enhancing whatever you have in mind!

The price of customized Morocco tours varies depending on the activities and duration; we can provide you with a quote once we have factored in your specific travel and accommodation requirements. Please complete and submit our Custom tour enquiry form to enable us to begin the process of crafting our proposal and your exclusive Morocco tour.